The New Normal Post Pandemic
World Health Organizations has indicated that Covid-19 is going to stay and will become an endemic. Therefore, everyone should learn to live a normal life in presence of SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. The impact of the Covid-19 till date has been beyond infections and deaths. It has wreaked havoc on the global economy on a scale not seen before. This pandemic has impacted people’s physical and mental health, widened the gap in distribution of wealth and led to alleviation of poverty across the world. Technology helped people survive during the pandemic and artificial intelligence improved the way people lived their life while they were locked inside their homes. Recent lockdowns have changed not only people’s style of working, but also organisational cultures, and industrial practices. A significant rise in unemployment, underpayment of salaries, wage theft, worker exploitation and discrimination became new normal for employers in the unorganised sectors. Artificial Intelligence driven technological way of functioning fuelled by the fourth industrial revolution as industry 4.0, helped organised sector to survive.
Covid-19 disrupted life and made life worst for every individual and company in both developed and developing countries. Most of manufacturing units run by small size companies globally were closed during first wave of pandemic because work from home was not an option available to them and their staff could not travel to work due to non-availability of public transport and virus related risks. Many companies in all sectors across the world recognized the ability of technology to help them become flexible in their working and sustain their business during this period. Companies that were unable to digitalise their operations and information based system using technologies like cloud computing, suffered severe loss of revenue. The mantras for coping up during this period were digitalisation and agility with efficient cash flow and adoption of appropriate change management strategies.
Our consciousness has become very sensitive to anyone coughing or sneezing, when we are in a public place. The way people entertain and socialise in their backyards has also changed due to restriction of staying in boundaries of their own homes. Travelling has reduced and sports have taken a back seat. People are unable to go to gym, meet friends or have catch-ups at the coffee shops. Education has become even more important and skill development is an essential requirement. In current scenario, technology based skills have become even more important for getting a feel that life is normal, because technology makes people living far away feel connected and at home, during the times of social distancing. While we are living in an extraordinary environment, many are suffering from anxiety related mental health issues and others are finding it difficult to grieve. Social media in this time has become a source to reach out a larger audience through which people can not only voice their concerns but also vent out their personal positive and negative emotions to reduce their distress.
Scientists are recognizing the powers and weaknesses of covid-19. Currently, they are exploring solutions to combat the pandemic. Simultaneously, business and management scholars are looking for solutions to the problems faced by businesses of all levels during pandemic. Since Covid-19 will be around for a longer period, restoration and resilience will become very important. Countries, societies, institutions, organisations and individuals will have to fight it out together at by increasing surveillance, following hygiene practices and offering health facilities. Simultaneously, issues like equality, diversity and inclusion needs to be addressed so that these facilities, practices and opportunities are available for everyone.
If Covid-19 bounces back again, what should be our strategy at individual level to manage our communication and socialisation requirements and have healthier relationships. What kind of habits will help us live a healthy life-style and how do we organise our lives and businesses to achieve success when masks, gloves, queuing have become the norms. It has become important to understand what is going to be the new normal post-pandemic and how can individuals care for their personal self, their family and businesses while taking care of their stakeholder’s well- being. In light of the discussions above, this conference invites empirical and conceptual papers that contribute to the debate around the knowledge required to deal with post-Covid situation as ‘The New Normal Post Pandemic’. To continue this debate, scholars are encouraged to submit their conceptual and empirical research papers related to, but not limited to, topics given below:
* What role can organizations, employees and other stakeholders play in recovering from the covid aftermath?
* What ethical dilemmas do managers face when making difficult decisions?
* What type of leadership is required during uncertain times?
* How can organizations innovate for sustainability?
* How can entrepreneurs create start-ups that contribute to the revival of economies?
* How can organizations be more financially inclusive in the post-pandemic climate?
* What is the impact of the pandemic on employee’s mental well-being and their equality, diversity and inclusion?
* How can tourism become more sustainable?
* What post-pandemic strategies are required for international operations of MNEs?
* How has the pandemic impacted the global mobility of expatriates?
* What digital technologies are used by firms in the post-pandemic environment?
* How has marketing changed since the pandemic?
* What are the “new normal” financial policies that affect socio-economic factors?
* How has the pandemic affected the behaviour of the financial markets and investors?
* What was the impact of the pandemic on corporate financial decisions?
The feedback received by participants at the conference will help them refine their research agenda. PhD students will be able to have discussions about their work with experts. Participants will also be able to understand the opportunities and challenges of becoming a well-established scholars. A special session with editors of top journals will allow participants to understand requirements of their journals and increase their publishing success rate. The conference will be hosted by Newcastle University and will be held online via Zoom. Breakout sessions will offer opportunities for networking and exchange of notes in the form of discussions with participants from diverse regions of the world.
Conference Keynote Speakers
Prof. Pawan Budhwar
Prof. Andrew Urquhart
Prof. Suma Athreye
Prof. Luiz Moutinho
Doctoral Colloquium
The Doctoral Colloquium invites applications from students working on any theme of business, management, technology and/or social good. The forum will provide an opportunity for doctoral students to have in-depth discussion about their research with experts and their peers. Students will be able to present their PhD work to a panel of experts and other audience and seek feedback. For presenting at the doctoral colloquium, students should submit an extended abstract of their thesis to the submission link and choose the PhD colloquium from the drop-down menu.
Doctoral Colloquium Keynote Speakers
Prof. TC Melewar
Prof. Dorothy Yen
Dr. Pantea Foroudi
Submit to Special Issues
* British Journal of Management
* Journal of Business Research
* Journal of Asia Business Studies
* Qualitative Marketing Research: An International Journal
* European Journal of International Management
* Corporate Reputation Review
* Sustainability
Meet the Editors
Prof. Douglas Cumming
British Journal of Management -
Prof. Subodh Kumar
Production and Operations Management -
Prof. Raj Sethuraman
Journal of Retailing -
Prof. Roger Strange
International Business Review -
Prof. Naveen Donthu
Journal of Business Research -
Prof. Jyoti Choudrie
Information, Technology and People -
Prof. Fevzi Okumus
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
TARA Scholarships and Awards
* Best PhD Thesis Award
* Best Conceptualization Award
* Best Methodology Award
* Best Impact Award
* Best Paper Award
Submit a paper for presentation at the Conference
For any further queries, please send an email to marketingstrategyandpolicy@gmail.com.
One of the authors of the accepted manuscript should register for presenting at the conference.
Professional Development Workshop Proposal Submission
MSP invites proposals from academics for conducting professional development workshops on a topic of their choice by June 30, 2021. Please submit proposals to the link below :
Conference Executive Board
* Dr Pantea Foroudi, Middlesex University UK
* Prof Suraksha Gupta, Newcastle University UK
* Dr YiChuan Wang, Sheffield University UK
* Prof Michael Czinkota, Georgetown University USA
* Dr Minhao Zhang, Bristol University UK
* Dr Rama Kanungo, Newcastle University UK
* Dr Parth Patel, Australian Institute of Business, Australia
* Dr Yousra Asaad, Brunel University UK
* Prof Kavita Sharma, Delhi University India
* Dr Prikshat Verma, Cardiff Metropolitan University UK
* Mr. Mahipal Bukya, Manipal University India