
Dr S P Sharma
Head University-Industry Linkages

Dr S P Sharma is a PhD in International Economics and has worked with Government of Punjab, Government of India, ASSOCHAM, PwC and TATAs. Currently, he is serving as Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary General at PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, India. During 27+ years of his research and policy advocacy experience he has worked on various projects for the Government of India, State Governments, UNCTAD, European Commission, Industry Chambers and Corporates. Based on his diverse experience in the various areas of the economy, trade and industry, he has contributed to knowledge via a combination of more than 200 research studies, papers and projects. Dr Sharma has been an invited keynote speaker at various National and International Conferences. He has participated in more than 300 scholarly debates, national and international, organised by educational institutes, research organisations, trade associations or industry organisations, either as an esteemed panellist, Chair or Moderator. He is a member of Advisory/Governing Committees of various prestigious educational institutions. He has been invited more than 500 times to comment on various economic, industry, trade and finance issues and developments by media such as TV channels like Lok Sabha TV, Sansad TV, Doordarshan, CNBC, and NDTV among others. He is a regular participant in the prestigious programme ‘Market Mantra’ of All India Radio. His thought leadership is of value to both industry and academia.